Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Day Off

I was home yesterday with a sick daughter. She wasn't horribly ill, but definitely miserable with a cold, and I decided she needed a day to rest, eat chicken soup and drink English breakfast tea with lots of sugar (her favorite).

Yes, it meant I lost a day at work, and it's a bad time since I've got a bulletin, a newsletter, two weddings and a baptism to prepare for. But I knew I was in a decent position since I'd done so much work ahead of time, so I didn't seek out someone to watch her and I stayed home.

I made it my own mental health day and did almost nothing at home other than cross stitch and the aforementioned soup and tea making.

Today she's back at school and I'm up to my eyeballs in work, but that's okay. I'm tackling one thing at a time, crossing things off my list and not feeling worried about getting everything done. I need to get back to it, but if I have time later I'll try to post some more.


Lori G. said...

I am glad that Mabel is feeling better. I like being busy; it makes the day go by faster but for you, it might be very stressful. I hope not. Your day off sounded a bit relaxing in its own way.

Take it easy and I hope you don't catch her cold!

Ty said...

Hope Mabel is all better now!